DOMA Gallery Guide App
Figma + Adobe Illustrator + Adobe Photoshop
The goal of this project was to create an app for the David Owsley Museum of Art on Ball State's campus that was accessible for a specific disability. The DOMA Gallery Guide aims to assist those who have ADHD and/or ADD by providing a systematized way to navigate the museum to lessen distractions and overall, have a more positive experience at the museum.

Information Architecture

Initial Research:
The initial research for the DOMA Gallery Guide app included researching pain points that users with ADHD/ADD might have. This includes things such as trouble focusing, difficulty managing time, and difficulty staying focused.
Taking these pain points into consideration, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines were referenced to make the app as accessible as possible for this target group.

Guided Tour Feature:
One of the main features of this app that aims to assist users with ADHD/ADD is the guided tour. This feature gives structure to the museum to prevent distractions and prevent the user from feeling overwhelmed by the crowded environment. Having a guided tour within the app also continues to let the user be independent in the museum rather than having to rely on a docent to give them a tour.
This tour also includes interactive elements such as scanning artwork and puzzle activities to keep the user engaged and focused throughout their time in the museum which can be a difficult task when diagnosed with ADHD/ADD.